High school + college newspaper articles, plus more recent writings.


  • [May 2015, NPHS Panther Prowler Newspaper] Student art to be displayed in Capitol

    “On April 27, junior Jessica Han missed a call from Congresswoman Julia Brownley. So, instead of finding out that she had won the District-wide U.S. Congress High School Visual Arts Competition from the Congresswoman herself, she found out from a voicemail.”

  • [Mar. 2015, NPHS Panther Prowler Newspaper] Letter from the Editors

    “When we decided to change things up last year with our first special edition magazine, we didn’t know exactly what we were getting ourselves into.”

  • [Mar. 2015, NPHS Panther Prowler Newspaper] Elizabeth Ging: running after her dreams

    “As if running the first eight wasn’t enough, senior Elizabeth Ging ran her ninth 50 kilometer race “ultramarathon” on Feb. 7, the latest stride in her running career.”

  • [Sept. 2014, NPHS Panther Prowler Newspaper] In Loving Memory: Alumna Aimee Hoff comemorated by loved ones following drunk driving accident

    “Walking into Teresa Hoff’s house is like looking into a lost memory. Boxes of photographs are stacked in the corners of the hallways. A girl looks out across the house from every wall, moments of her life immortalized inside countless picture frames with permanent smiles. “

  • [Sept. 2014, NPHS Panther Prowler Newspaper] Allison Paulson: Serving in the US Senate

    “Just looking at Paulson’s hand motions gives no clue that she is animatedly gesticulating about falling in the Senate Chamber, living on Capitol Hill, and the government shutdown.”


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